Friday, July 1, 2011

Local Northwest Metal Bands Playlist

In an effort to gear more of our writings to the Northwest, we have decided to make this playlist a decidedly homegrown affair. We are solely featuring bands from Washington State, some of the finest bands to rear their ugly heads to the world. And in these selections we have decided to show them in the finest light, the live setting, where they continually destroy audiences both large and small. That is the best thing about local bands, they open up for the bigger touring shows and play for hundreds of people as well as 25 people in a small bar on a Tuesday night. They are not doing it for large amounts of money; these guys are playing for the love of metal in its purest form. These might not all be the best videos in terms of audio, but you can see the passion these bands put forth is just as real and intense as the larger acts of the world. So go out, listen to their recorded output, and support local metal!!!!

Gravenloch – The Dirge of Sunrise

Drakul – Valley of the Dead Oaks

Nekro Morphosis – Filtering the Flock

Future Disorder – River of Corpses

Deathmocracy – Abort

Project Black Book – In a Negative Light

Phalgeron – Feeding the Phlegethon

Shaded Enmity – Like Prayers on Deaf Ears

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